Scale-Invariant Feature Disentanglement via Adversarial Learning for UAV-based Object Detection

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Detecting objects from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) is often hindered by a large number of small objects, resulting in low detection accuracy. To address this issue, mainstream approaches typically utilize multi-stage inferences. Despite their remarkable detecting accuracies, real-time efficiency is sacrificed, making them less practical to handle real applications. To this end, we propose to improve the single-stage inference accuracy through learning scale-invariant features. Specifically, a Scale-Invariant Feature Disentangling module is designed to disentangle scale-related and scale-invariant features. Then an Adversarial Feature Learning scheme is employed to enhance disentanglement. Finally, scale-invariant features are leveraged for robust UAV-based object detection. Furthermore, we construct a multi-modal UAV object detection dataset, State-Air, which incorporates annotated UAV state parameters. We apply our approach to three state-of-the-art lightweight detection frameworks on three benchmark datasets, including State-Air. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach can effectively improve model accuracy. Our code and dataset are provided in Supplementary Materials and will be publicly available once the paper is accepted.

In International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Master of Engineering

My research interests include Artificial Intelligence, UAV Object Detection and Feature Disentanglement.